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Embodying Justice in a Grieving World

A Community Space

How does justice feel when embodied? How is grief a portal for flow, growth and transformation that connects all life amid loss? What are the resources and abundance within us that allow us to practice “hope is a discipline” (Mariame Kaba) and get in touch with our decolonial love (Sarah Ihmoud) in times of colonial violences?

In this moment of reckoning with how the systems many of us have entrusted are failing to protect life, we recognise the importance of coming together within our communities of practice and to find anew how to feel, vision and practice justice and accountability otherwise. Together we seek to make space for collective grief as a way to reorient towards resistance to, and transformation of violence in all of its forms, including that which is enabled and often reproduced by these (legal) systems.

In this two-part virtual community space – “embodying justice in a grieving world”, we invite you to come together to pause  and be nourished. This offering is a space to remember ourselves through each other, and hold our inherent interconnectedness through breathing, reflection, sharing and tender movement. It is a space to practice embodiment and somatics, care and tend to our personal and collective grief as decolonial praxes that reorient us towards gentleness, healing, and (self) accountability.

This space is for anyone in movements, groups and institutions in the ‘international justice space’, broadly defined, including those organising and active in the areas of social justice and human rights, international (criminal) justice and conflict accountability, border justice, gender and other areas of intersectional justice.

Prior experience with somatics, care or grief tending is not necessary. We hope to cocreate a safe(r), brave(r) space, to practice connection, safety, (be)longing and (self)accountability in community. Cameras are optional, captions will be turned on. Prompts, resources and a playlist will be shared after each session.


20 February 2025 and 6 March 2025, respectively from
6-8pm CET




Sliding Scale Payment

It is important to us:
  • that participation in this group is financially accessible for everyone and that your needs around sustainability are acknowledged
  • that our energy and work is valued, and our needs for sustainability are acknowledged.

We offer the following sliding scale and we trust that every participant will honestly and genuinely situate themselves on that scale and pay what is appropriate to their situation:

  • Pay 15 EUR if you are unemployed, studying or have a very low income and no assets
  • Pay 30 EUR if you earn less than 30,000 EUR before tax
  • Pay 45 EUR if you earn more than 30,000 EUR before tax

Each session will run for two hours and will not be recorded. Please register here where we also invite you to share some words about yourself and what you long and what you need and hope for in the space. Please email contact@emergentjusticecollective.org if you have any questions or would like to join but the proposed sliding scale doesn’t work for you.

We look forward to pause with and be with you.

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